Which city has been named as the World’s safest city in Safe Cities Index 2021 released by Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) ?


The correct answer is (a) Sydney.

The Safe Cities Index 2021, released by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), ranks 60 cities across the world based on their safety performance across five categories: digital security, health security, infrastructure security, personal security, and environmental security.

Sydney, Australia, topped the list for the second consecutive year, followed by Tokyo, Japan, and Singapore. Copenhagen, Denmark, and Oslo, Norway, rounded out the top five.

The EIU said that Sydney’s strong performance was due to its “low levels of crime and violence, well-developed infrastructure, and strong digital security.”

Tokyo, meanwhile, was praised for its “excellent public transportation system, low levels of crime, and strong environmental performance.”

Singapore was ranked third due to its “low levels of crime and violence, well-developed infrastructure, and strong digital security.”

Copenhagen and Oslo were both ranked fourth due to their “low levels of crime and violence, well-developed infrastructure, and strong environmental performance.”

The EIU said that the overall safety performance of cities around the world had improved in recent years, but that there were still significant challenges to be addressed.

“Despite the progress that has been made, there are still many challenges to be addressed,” the EIU said. “Cities need to continue to invest in their security infrastructure, improve their public safety measures, and address the root causes of crime and violence.”

The EIU also said that cities needed to be prepared for the increasing threat of terrorism.

“The threat of terrorism is a growing concern for cities around the world,” the EIU said. “Cities need to be prepared for the possibility of a terrorist attack and take steps to mitigate the risk.”

The EIU’s Safe Cities Index is a valuable resource for cities that are looking to improve their safety performance. The index provides a comprehensive overview of the safety challenges facing cities around the world and offers practical recommendations for how cities can improve their safety performance.

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