Which association below is not correct?

Cumulus congestus - anvil top
Cumulus - fair weather cumulus
Stratus fractus - scud E. Cumulonimbus - thunderstorm clouds

The correct answer is A. Cumulus congestus – anvil top.

Cumulus congestus are a type of cumulus cloud that are tall and puffy, with a flat base and a rounded top. They are often associated with thunderstorms, but they can also form on sunny days. Anvil tops are a type of cloud that are associated with thunderstorms. They are large, flat, and often have a ragged appearance.

Cumulus clouds are a type of cloud that are typically small and white, with a flat base and a rounded top. They are often associated with fair weather. Altocumulus castellanus are a type of altocumulus cloud that are often tall and pointed, with a resemblance to “little castles”. Stratus fractus are a type of stratus cloud that are often ragged and torn, with a resemblance to “scud”. Cumulonimbus are a type of cloud that are tall and towering, with a resemblance to “thunderheads”. They are often associated with thunderstorms.

In conclusion, the association between cumulus congestus and anvil tops is not correct. Cumulus congestus are not typically associated with anvil tops, which are a type of cloud that is associated with thunderstorms.