Which Article of the UN Charter established the International Trusteeship System?


The correct answer is: C. 75

The International Trusteeship System was established by Article 75 of the UN Charter. This article states that the purpose of the Trusteeship System is to promote the political, economic, social, and educational advancement of the peoples of trust territories, and their progressive development towards self-government or independence as may be appropriate to the particular circumstances of each territory and its peoples and the freely expressed wishes of the peoples concerned, and as may be provided by the terms of each trusteeship agreement.

The Trusteeship System was established to oversee the administration of territories that were not self-governing and were not members of the United Nations. The territories were administered by trusteeship powers, which were responsible for promoting the well-being of the peoples of the territories and for preparing them for self-government or independence.

The Trusteeship System was dissolved in 1994, when the last trust territory, Palau, became independent.