Which Article of the Constitution of India provides for the ‘Special address by the Governor’?

Article 175
Article 205
Article 176
Article 178

The correct answer is (a) Article 175.

Article 175 of the Constitution of India provides for the ‘Special address by the Governor’. It states that at the commencement of the first session after each general election to the Legislative Assembly and at the commencement of the first session of each year, the Governor shall address the Legislative Assembly. The Governor may also address the Legislative Assembly at any other time if he thinks fit.

The Governor’s address shall be in the form of a message to the Assembly and shall be communicated to the Assembly by the Speaker. The Speaker shall cause the address to be entered in the Journal of the Assembly and shall cause it to be printed and published.

The Governor’s address shall deal with the matters of public importance relating to the State and shall also contain an account of the administration of the State during the previous year.

The Governor’s address is an important constitutional provision. It provides an opportunity for the Governor to present his views on the state of the state and to outline his priorities for the coming year. It also provides an opportunity for the members of the Legislative Assembly to question the Governor on his address and to raise issues of concern to them.