Which agricultural practice helps improve soil fertility in Telangana?

Crop rotation
Excessive tillage

The correct answer is A) Crop rotation.

Crop rotation is the practice of growing different types of crops in the same field in a planned sequence over a period of years. This helps to improve soil fertility by preventing the build-up of pests and diseases, and by replenishing nutrients in the soil.

Monoculture is the practice of growing a single crop in a field year after year. This can lead to a decline in soil fertility, as the same nutrients are taken up by the crop year after year. It can also lead to an increase in pests and diseases, as these organisms can build up in the absence of other crops to compete with them.

Overgrazing is the practice of grazing livestock on a piece of land for too long, or at too high a stocking rate. This can lead to the degradation of the land, as the vegetation is eaten down to the roots, and the soil is compacted by the hooves of the animals.

Excessive tillage is the practice of cultivating the soil too often or too deeply. This can lead to the loss of topsoil, and the disruption of soil structure.

In conclusion, crop rotation is the agricultural practice that helps improve soil fertility in Telangana.

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