When he heard that he had once again not been selected he lost heart. A. became desperate B. felt sad C. became angry D. became discouraged

became desperate
felt sad
became angry
became discouraged

The correct answer is D. became discouraged.

When someone loses heart, it means that they have lost hope or motivation. They may feel sad, angry, or frustrated, but the main emotion is discouragement.

Desperation is a feeling of extreme need or urgency. It is often accompanied by feelings of anxiety, fear, and hopelessness.

Sadness is a feeling of unhappiness or grief. It is often caused by loss, disappointment, or failure.

Anger is a feeling of intense displeasure or hostility. It is often caused by a perceived injustice or insult.

All of these emotions can be experienced when someone is not selected for something they want, but discouragement is the most likely emotion to be felt when someone loses heart.

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