What is the rank of Jharkhand in the production of lac and shellac?


The correct answer is A. 1st.

Jharkhand is the largest producer of lac and shellac in India. It accounts for about 70% of the country’s production. Lac is a resinous secretion produced by the lac insect, Kerria lacca. It is used in a variety of products, including varnishes, paints, and sealants. Shellac is a purified form of lac that is used in a variety of products, including food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.

The other options are incorrect. Option B is incorrect because Madhya Pradesh is the second largest producer of lac and shellac in India. Option C is incorrect because Andhra Pradesh is the third largest producer of lac and shellac in India. Option D is incorrect because Tamil Nadu is the fourth largest producer of lac and shellac in India.