What is the order in which Command.Com searches for programs to execute? A. EXE, COM, BAT B. EXE, BAT, COM C. COM, EXE, BAT D. BAT, COM, EXE E. None of the above

BAT, COM, EXE E. None of the above

The correct answer is: A. EXE, COM, BAT

Command.com searches for programs to execute in the following order:

  1. EXE files
  2. COM files
  3. BAT files

If Command.com does not find a program with the specified name in any of these locations, it will return an error message.

EXE files are executable files that are created using the Microsoft EXE file format. COM files are executable files that are created using the Microsoft COM file format. BAT files are batch files that are created using the Microsoft batch file format.

Batch files are a type of text file that contains a series of commands that are executed by the Command.com interpreter. When you run a batch file, Command.com reads the file and executes each command in turn.

For example, the following batch file will print the message “Hello, world!” to the screen:

@echo off
echo Hello, world!

To run this batch file, you would type the following command at the Command.com prompt:


This would cause the following output to be displayed on the screen:

Hello, world!