What is the approximate percentage of Scheduled Castes (SC) in Telangana’s population?

in Telangana's population? A) 5% B) 10% C) 15%

The correct answer is C) 15%.

Scheduled Castes (SCs) are a group of people who have been historically discriminated against in India. They are listed in the Constitution of India as being socially and educationally backward. The government of India provides special benefits to SCs in order to improve their social and economic status.

The percentage of SCs in Telangana’s population is 15%. This is higher than the national average of 12%. The reason for this is that Telangana has a large number of people who belong to the Scheduled Castes.

The SCs in Telangana face a number of challenges. They are often discriminated against in education and employment. They also have a lower standard of living than other groups in society. The government of Telangana is working to address these challenges and improve the lives of the SCs.

Here is a brief explanation of each option:

  • Option A: 5%. This is the percentage of SCs in the population of India as a whole. It is lower than the percentage of SCs in Telangana because Telangana has a larger number of people who belong to the Scheduled Castes.
  • Option B: 10%. This is the percentage of SCs in the population of Andhra Pradesh, which is the state that Telangana was part of before it became a separate state in 2014. The percentage of SCs in Telangana is higher than the percentage of SCs in Andhra Pradesh because Telangana has a larger number of people who belong to the Scheduled Castes.
  • Option C: 15%. This is the correct answer. It is the percentage of SCs in the population of Telangana.
  • Option D: 20%. This is the percentage of SCs in the population of Bihar, which is the state with the highest percentage of SCs in India. The percentage of SCs in Telangana is lower than the percentage of SCs in Bihar because Telangana has a smaller number of people who belong to the Scheduled Castes.