What is ‘Patriarchal Society’?

System that values women more than men
System that values men more than women
System that values both men and women equally
System that values elders

A patriarchal society is a society in which men hold the power and women are subordinate. This can be seen in the way that men are typically the leaders in government, business, and religion, while women are often relegated to secondary roles. Patriarchal societies often have laws and customs that discriminate against women, such as laws that restrict women’s rights to property, education, and employment.

Option A is incorrect because a patriarchal society does not value women more than men. In fact, it often values men more than women.

Option B is correct because a patriarchal society values men more than women.

Option C is incorrect because a patriarchal society does not value both men and women equally. It values men more than women.

Option D is incorrect because a patriarchal society does not value elders more than anyone else. It values men more than women, regardless of age.