The correct answer is: C. Bullets.
A bullet is a small symbol, typically a circle, square, or checkmark, used to mark items in a list. Bullets are often used in lists of items, such as a to-do list or a list of ingredients. They can also be used to mark paragraphs that are indented from the left margin.
Icons are small images that represent a program, file, or other object. Markers are symbols that are used to indicate a specific location on a map or chart. Graphics are images that are used to illustrate a point or to add visual interest to a document.
Here are some examples of bullets:
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
Here is an example of a list that uses bullets:
- To-do list
- Buy milk
- Pick up dry cleaning
- Call the doctor
Here is an example of a paragraph that is indented from the left margin and uses bullets:
- The first bullet point is this paragraph.
- The second bullet point is this paragraph.
- The third bullet point is this paragraph.