To view any currently running Terminate Stay Resident (TSR’s) programs you could type: A. Memory B. MEM C. SYS /M D. MEMMAKER E. None of the above

MEMMAKER E. None of the above

The correct answer is: A. Memory

A Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) program is a type of computer program that loads itself into memory and remains there even after the program that loaded it has been terminated. This allows the TSR program to continue running in the background, even while other programs are running.

The Memory command is a DOS command that can be used to display information about the amount of memory available on a computer, as well as the programs that are currently using memory. To view any currently running TSR programs, you can type the Memory command and press Enter. The Memory command will display a list of all the TSR programs that are currently loaded into memory, as well as the amount of memory that each program is using.

The MEM command is another DOS command that can be used to display information about memory. However, the MEM command does not display a list of TSR programs. Instead, it displays information about the total amount of memory available on the computer, the amount of memory that is currently being used, and the amount of memory that is available for use.

The SYS command is a DOS command that can be used to format a disk. The SYS command does not display any information about memory.

The MEMMAKER command is a DOS command that can be used to optimize the use of memory on a computer. The MEMMAKER command does not display any information about TSR programs.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question “To view any currently running Terminate Stay Resident (TSR’s) programs you could type:” is A. Memory.