Assessment of Risk profile
Premium paying capacity
Fixing the premium
All of the above
Answer is Wrong!
Answer is Right!
The correct answer is D. All of the above.
Age proof is not required to ascertain any of the following:
- Assessment of Risk profile: The risk profile of an individual is determined by a number of factors, including age, health, occupation, and lifestyle. However, age is not a necessary factor in assessing risk.
- Premium paying capacity: The premium paying capacity of an individual is determined by their income, assets, and expenses. Again, age is not a necessary factor in determining premium paying capacity.
- Fixing the premium: The premium for an insurance policy is determined by a number of factors, including the risk profile of the individual, the type of policy, and the insurer. However, age is not a necessary factor in determining the premium.
In some cases, age may be used as a proxy for other factors that are more relevant to the assessment of risk, premium paying capacity, or the fixing of the premium. However, this is not always the case, and age should not be considered a necessary factor in any of these decisions.