The words in the bottom row are related in the same way as the words in the top row. For each item, find the word that completes the bottom row of words. rule command dictate doze sleep ?


The correct answer is B. govern.

The words in the top row are all verbs that describe how someone or something controls or directs something else. The words in the bottom row are all nouns that are related to the verbs in the top row.

  • Rule: to exercise authority over someone or something.
  • Command: to give an order to someone to do something.
  • Dictate: to give someone an order to do something in a very forceful way.
  • Doze: to sleep lightly for a short time.
  • Sleep: to rest by closing one’s eyes and body and not being aware of what is happening around one.
  • Govern: to control and direct the way a country or state is run.

In this case, the word that completes the bottom row of words is govern. This is because govern is a noun that is related to the verb rule. Both words mean to control or direct something.

The other options are incorrect because they are not related to the verbs in the top row in the same way that govern is.

  • Snore: to make a loud, rough noise while sleeping.
  • Awaken: to stop sleeping and become aware of one’s surroundings.
  • Hibernate: to spend the winter in a deep sleep, during which the body temperature drops and the heart rate slows down.
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