The traditional political institutions of the Khasi people are known as:


The correct answer is: a) Himas.

Himas are the traditional political institutions of the Khasi people. They are self-governing units that are headed by a chief called a Syiem. Himas are responsible for managing their own affairs, including land, law, and order.

Gaonburas are village headmen who are appointed by the Syiem. They are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day running of the village and for collecting taxes.

Panchayats are village councils that are made up of elected representatives from each household. They are responsible for settling disputes and for managing local affairs.

Nokmas are the heads of extended families. They are responsible for settling disputes within their families and for managing their family’s land.

Himas are the most important traditional political institutions of the Khasi people. They have been in existence for centuries and continue to play an important role in the lives of the Khasi people.