The Sunni Law does not recognise

Sahi (Valid) Marriage
Muta (Temporary) Marriage
Fasid (Irregular) Marriage
Batil (Void) Marriage

The correct answer is (b), Muta (Temporary) Marriage.

Sunni Islam does not recognize Muta marriage because it is considered to be a form of prostitution. In a Muta marriage, a man and a woman agree to be married for a specific period of time, usually for a few days or weeks. The woman receives a payment from the man, and the marriage is then dissolved. Sunni Muslims believe that this type of marriage is not in accordance with the teachings of Islam.

A Sahi (Valid) Marriage is a marriage that is valid according to Islamic law. It must meet certain requirements, such as the consent of the bride and groom, the presence of two witnesses, and the payment of a dowry.

A Fasid (Irregular) Marriage is a marriage that is not valid according to Islamic law, but it is not considered to be a void marriage. This can happen if one of the requirements for a valid marriage is not met, such as if the bride or groom is not Muslim.

A Batil (Void) Marriage is a marriage that is not valid according to Islamic law, and it is considered to be no marriage at all. This can happen if the marriage is contracted between two people who are not allowed to marry, such as a Muslim and a non-Muslim.