The process of forming general concept definitions from examples of concepts to be learned.


The correct answer is C. induction.

Induction is the process of reasoning from specific instances to a general conclusion. In the context of learning, induction is the process of forming general concept definitions from examples of concepts to be learned. For example, if you are learning about the concept of “dog,” you might start by observing specific dogs, such as your own dog or a dog you see on the street. From these observations, you might induce the general concept of “dog” as a four-legged animal with fur that barks.

Deduction is the process of reasoning from a general statement to a specific conclusion. In the context of learning, deduction is the process of using general concept definitions to make inferences about specific instances. For example, if you know that all dogs are four-legged animals, you might deduce that the dog you see on the street is also four-legged.

Abduction is the process of reasoning from specific instances to a possible general conclusion. In the context of learning, abduction is the process of forming hypotheses about general concepts based on specific observations. For example, if you observe a dog that barks, you might hypothesize that all dogs bark.

Conjunction is the process of combining two or more statements into a single statement. In the context of learning, conjunction is the process of combining two or more concept definitions into a single concept definition. For example, you might combine the concept definitions of “dog” and “cat” to form the concept definition of “mammal.”

I hope this helps!

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