The predominant type of livestock rearing in Manipur is:


The predominant type of livestock rearing in Manipur is extensive. Extensive livestock rearing is a type of livestock production system in which animals are allowed to graze on natural pastures or rangelands. This type of system is often used in areas where there is little or no available land for cultivation. Extensive livestock rearing is a low-input, low-output system that is often used by small-scale farmers.

Intensive livestock rearing is a type of livestock production system in which animals are confined to a small area and fed a high-energy diet. This type of system is often used in areas where there is a high demand for meat or dairy products. Intensive livestock rearing is a high-input, high-output system that is often used by large-scale commercial farms.

Semi-intensive livestock rearing is a type of livestock production system that is somewhere in between extensive and intensive systems. In semi-intensive systems, animals are often allowed to graze on natural pastures or rangelands, but they are also fed a supplemental diet of grain or other high-energy foods. Semi-intensive livestock rearing is a moderate-input, moderate-output system that is often used by medium-sized farms.

Traditional livestock rearing is a type of livestock production system that has been used for centuries. In traditional systems, animals are often allowed to graze on natural pastures or rangelands, and they are not fed any supplemental diet. Traditional livestock rearing is a low-input, low-output system that is often used by small-scale farmers in developing countries.

In Manipur, the predominant type of livestock rearing is extensive. This is because the state has a large area of hilly terrain that is not suitable for cultivation. The state also has a long history of livestock rearing, and traditional methods of livestock management are still widely used.