The population of Telangana is predominantly:

Evenly split between rural and urban

The correct answer is: A) Rural.

Telangana is a state in India with a population of over 35 million people. Of these, over 25 million people live in rural areas, while just over 10 million people live in urban areas. This means that the population of Telangana is predominantly rural.

There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, Telangana is a relatively new state, having been formed in 2014. As a result, it has a relatively low level of urbanization. Secondly, Telangana is a largely agricultural state, with over 60% of its population employed in agriculture. This means that there are a large number of people living in rural areas, where they can work on farms.

Finally, Telangana is a relatively poor state, with a per capita income of just over $2,000. This means that many people cannot afford to live in urban areas, where the cost of living is higher. As a result, they choose to live in rural areas, where the cost of living is lower.

The option of semi-urban is not correct, as Telangana is not a semi-urban state. The option of evenly split between rural and urban is also not correct, as the population of Telangana is predominantly rural.