The population growth rate in Arunachal Pradesh is:

Below the national average
Similar to the national average
Higher than the national average
Extremely high and unsustainable

The correct answer is: a) Below the national average.

The population growth rate in Arunachal Pradesh is 1.01%, which is below the national average of 1.2%. This means that the population of Arunachal Pradesh is growing at a slower rate than the population of India as a whole.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the low population growth rate in Arunachal Pradesh. One factor is the high rate of female literacy in the state. Women with higher levels of education tend to have smaller families. Another factor is the low level of urbanization in Arunachal Pradesh. People living in rural areas tend to have larger families than people living in urban areas.

The low population growth rate in Arunachal Pradesh is a positive development for the state. It means that the state’s resources are not being stretched as thinly as they would be if the population was growing at a faster rate. This will allow the state to invest more in its infrastructure and development.

However, the low population growth rate also means that the state’s population is aging. This could lead to a number of problems, such as a shortage of workers and a strain on the state’s healthcare system. The state government will need to take steps to address these challenges.

Option b) is incorrect because the population growth rate in Arunachal Pradesh is below the national average. Option c) is incorrect because the population growth rate in Arunachal Pradesh is not higher than the national average. Option d) is incorrect because the population growth rate in Arunachal Pradesh is not extremely high and unsustainable.