The Pitaka that contains pronouncements attributed to the Buddha, laying down numerous rules for the conduct of the order is

Vinaya Pitaka
Sutta Pitaka
Abhidhamma Pitaka
All the three Pitakas

The correct answer is A. Vinaya Pitaka.

The Vinaya Pitaka is the first of the three baskets (Pitakas) that contain the teachings of the Buddha. It contains the rules and regulations for the monastic order, as well as stories about the Buddha’s life and teachings.

The Sutta Pitaka is the second basket and contains the Buddha’s discourses. The Abhidhamma Pitaka is the third basket and contains a more systematic and analytical presentation of the Buddha’s teachings.

The Vinaya Pitaka is the most important Pitaka for monastics, as it contains the rules that they must follow. It is also important for laypeople, as it provides guidance on how to live a moral and ethical life.

The Sutta Pitaka is important for both monastics and laypeople, as it contains the Buddha’s teachings on a variety of topics, including meditation, mindfulness, and wisdom.

The Abhidhamma Pitaka is important for monastics, as it provides a more detailed and systematic understanding of the Buddha’s teachings. It is also important for laypeople, as it can help them to deepen their understanding of the Buddha’s teachings.

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