The pipe which is used to carry the discharge from sanitary fittings like bath rooms, kitchens etc. is called A. Waste pipe B. Soil pipe C. Vent pipe D. Anti-siphonage pipe

Waste pipe
Soil pipe
Vent pipe
Anti-siphonage pipe

The correct answer is: A. Waste pipe

A waste pipe is a pipe that carries wastewater from sanitary fixtures like bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms to the sewer or septic tank. It is typically made of PVC or ABS plastic, and it is installed in the walls or floor of the building.

A soil pipe is a pipe that carries sewage from toilets and other fixtures that generate human waste. It is typically made of cast iron or PVC, and it is installed vertically from the fixture to the sewer or septic tank.

A vent pipe is a pipe that allows air to enter and exit the sewer system. It is typically made of PVC or ABS plastic, and it is installed vertically from the sewer or septic tank to the roof of the building.

An anti-siphonage pipe is a pipe that prevents backflow of sewage into the building. It is typically made of PVC or ABS plastic, and it is installed between the waste pipe and the soil pipe.

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