The organic matter content in Manipur soils is generally:

Very low

The organic matter content in Manipur soils is generally low. This is because the soils in Manipur are mostly derived from granite and gneiss, which are not very rich in organic matter. Additionally, the climate in Manipur is humid and tropical, which favors the decomposition of organic matter. As a result, the organic matter content in Manipur soils is generally low.

The organic matter content in a soil is important because it affects the soil’s fertility, structure, and water-holding capacity. Organic matter provides nutrients for plants, helps to hold soil particles together, and improves the soil’s ability to hold water. Low organic matter content can lead to poor crop yields, soil erosion, and water runoff.

There are a number of ways to increase the organic matter content in a soil. One way is to add organic matter, such as compost or manure, to the soil. Another way is to plant cover crops, which are plants that are grown between cash crops to help improve the soil. Cover crops help to add organic matter to the soil, improve soil structure, and suppress weeds.

Increasing the organic matter content in a soil can improve the soil’s fertility, structure, and water-holding capacity. This can lead to improved crop yields, reduced soil erosion, and decreased water runoff.