The ‘Ooranma’ system was a form of feudal authority prevalent in:


The correct answer is: A) Kollam.

The Ooranma system was a form of feudal authority prevalent in the erstwhile princely state of Travancore. It was a system of land tenure in which the land was owned by the king and was leased out to tenants, who were known as Ooranmas. The Ooranmas were responsible for collecting taxes from the peasants and for maintaining law and order in their respective villages.

The Ooranma system was abolished in the early 20th century, but its legacy can still be seen in the social and economic structure of Kerala. The Ooranmas were a powerful and influential group, and their descendants continue to play an important role in the state.

Option B, Palakkad, is incorrect because the Ooranma system was not prevalent in that region. Palakkad was part of the erstwhile princely state of Malabar, which had a different system of land tenure.

Option C, Kozhikode, is incorrect for the same reason. Kozhikode was also part of the erstwhile princely state of Malabar.

Option D, Kannur, is incorrect because the Ooranma system was not prevalent in that region either. Kannur was part of the erstwhile princely state of Cochin, which had a different system of land tenure.