The Manipur State Water Policy emphasizes:

Sustainable water use
Community participation
Integrated water resource management
All of the above

The Manipur State Water Policy emphasizes sustainable water use, community participation, and integrated water resource management.

Sustainable water use means using water in a way that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This includes using water efficiently, conserving water, and protecting water quality.

Community participation means involving communities in the decision-making process about water resources. This includes consulting with communities about water management plans, providing information to communities about water resources, and involving communities in the implementation of water management plans.

Integrated water resource management means managing water resources in a way that considers all of the different uses of water, including drinking water, irrigation, industry, and the environment. This includes developing water management plans that take into account all of the different uses of water, and coordinating the management of water resources across different sectors.

The Manipur State Water Policy is a comprehensive policy that addresses all of these issues. The policy provides a framework for sustainable water use, community participation, and integrated water resource management in Manipur.