The Ghaggar-Hakra River is a:

Perennial River
Seasonal River
Glacial River
Man-made Canal

The Ghaggar-Hakra River is a seasonal river in India and Pakistan. It is a perennial river in the monsoon season, but it dries up during the rest of the year. The river is a major source of irrigation for agriculture in the region.

A perennial river is a river that flows year-round. This is because the river has a source of water that is not dependent on the weather, such as a glacier or a spring. Perennial rivers are typically found in mountainous areas, where there is a lot of rainfall.

A seasonal river is a river that only flows during certain times of the year. This is because the river’s source of water is dependent on the weather. Seasonal rivers are typically found in areas with a dry climate, such as deserts.

A glacial river is a river that is formed by melting glaciers. Glaciers are large masses of ice that move slowly down mountains. As the glaciers melt, they create a river of water. Glacial rivers are typically very cold and have a lot of sediment in them.

A man-made canal is a channel that is dug by humans to transport water. Canals are typically used for irrigation, transportation, or flood control. Man-made canals can be very long and can be found in many parts of the world.

In conclusion, the Ghaggar-Hakra River is a seasonal river. It is a major source of irrigation for agriculture in the region.