The following question, consist of two words each that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by four lettered pairs of words. Select the lettered pair that has the same relationship as the original pair of words: Dexterous : Clumsy

Sheer : Transparent
Browse : Look
Blame : Criticise
Pessimist : Hopeful

The correct answer is: A. Sheer : Transparent

Dexterous and clumsy are antonyms. Sheer and transparent are also antonyms. Browse and look are synonyms. Blame and criticize are synonyms. Pessimist and hopeful are antonyms.

Dexterous means skillful in using the hands or body. Clumsy means awkward or ungainly in movement or action. Sheer means very thin or fine. Transparent means able to be seen through. Browse means to look through something casually or without much attention. Look means to direct one’s gaze in order to see something. Blame means to hold someone responsible for something wrong that has happened. Criticize means to express disapproval of someone or something. Pessimist means someone who expects the worst to happen. Hopeful means having or showing hope.

In the original pair of words, “dexterous” and “clumsy,” the two words are opposites. The same is true for the pair “sheer” and “transparent.” In the other three pairs, the two words are not opposites.

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