The first Buddhist Council was held during the reign of


The correct answer is (b) Ajatsatru.

The First Buddhist Council was held in Rajagriha, India, in the 5th century BCE, shortly after the death of the Buddha. It was convened by the Buddha’s disciple Mahakassapa to discuss and preserve the Buddha’s teachings. The council was attended by over 500 monks, and it resulted in the creation of the Pali Canon, the oldest collection of Buddhist scriptures.

Ajatsatru was the son of King Bimbisara of Magadha, and he succeeded his father to the throne after Bimbisara was assassinated. Ajatsatru was a powerful and ambitious ruler, and he is said to have conquered many kingdoms during his reign. He was also a patron of Buddhism, and he is credited with supporting the construction of many Buddhist monasteries and stupas.

Bimbisara was the king of Magadha during the Buddha’s lifetime. He was a powerful and influential ruler, and he is said to have been a close friend of the Buddha. Bimbisara was assassinated by his son Ajatsatru, who succeeded him to the throne.

Udayabhadra was the son of Ajatsatru and the grandson of Bimbisara. He was a king of Magadha who ruled in the 5th century BCE. Udayabhadra is said to have been a devout Buddhist, and he is credited with supporting the construction of many Buddhist monasteries and stupas.

The First Buddhist Council was a significant event in the history of Buddhism. It was the first time that the Buddha’s teachings were systematically compiled and codified, and it helped to ensure the survival of Buddhism in the centuries that followed.

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