The cross hairs in the surveying telescope are placed A. midway between eye piece and objec-tive lens B. much closer to the eye-piece than to the objective lens C. much closer to the objective lens than to the eye piece D. anywhere between eye-piece and objective lens

midway between eye piece and objec-tive lens
much closer to the eye-piece than to the objective lens
much closer to the objective lens than to the eye piece
anywhere between eye-piece and objective lens

The correct answer is: A. midway between eye piece and objec-tive lens.

The cross hairs are placed midway between the eyepiece and the objective lens in order to provide a clear and accurate view of the target. If the cross hairs were placed closer to the eyepiece, they would be too large and would obscure the target. If they were placed closer to the objective lens, they would be too small and would be difficult to see. By placing them midway between the two, they are in the perfect position to provide a clear and accurate view of the target.

Option B is incorrect because the cross hairs would be too large and would obscure the target. Option C is incorrect because the cross hairs would be too small and would be difficult to see. Option D is incorrect because the cross hairs would not be in the perfect position to provide a clear and accurate view of the target.

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