The COPY command of MS-DOS, is used to: A. copying files from one floppy disk to another floppy disk B. copying one or more files on the same disk or directory C. copying two or more files into a single file D. All of the above E. None of the above

copying files from one floppy disk to another floppy disk
copying one or more files on the same disk or directory
copying two or more files into a single file
All of the above E. None of the above

The correct answer is: D. All of the above

The COPY command is a versatile command that can be used to copy files from one floppy disk to another, from one directory to another, or from one disk to another. It can also be used to copy multiple files into a single file.

The syntax for the COPY command is as follows:

COPY source destination

The source is the file or files that you want to copy. The destination is the location where you want to copy the files. If you do not specify a destination, the files will be copied to the current directory.

For example, to copy the file “myfile.txt” from the current directory to the floppy disk in drive A, you would use the following command:

COPY myfile.txt A:

To copy the files “myfile.txt” and “yourfile.txt” from the current directory to the directory “c:\myfiles”, you would use the following command:

COPY myfile.txt yourfile.txt c:\myfiles

To copy all of the files in the current directory to the floppy disk in drive A, you would use the following command:

COPY *.* A:

You can also use the COPY command to copy multiple files into a single file. To do this, you would use the /b switch. For example, to copy the files “myfile.txt” and “yourfile.txt” into a single file called “allfiles.txt”, you would use the following command:

COPY /b myfile.txt yourfile.txt allfiles.txt

The COPY command is a powerful and versatile tool that can be used to copy files in a variety of ways.

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