The Communist Party played a significant role in organizing:

Plantation workers
Beedi workers
Construction workers
All of the above

The correct answer is: d) All of the above.

The Communist Party of India (CPI) was founded in 1925. It has played a significant role in organizing workers in India, including plantation workers, beedi workers, and construction workers.

Plantation workers are those who work on tea, coffee, rubber, and other plantations. They are often exploited by their employers, who pay them low wages and force them to work long hours in difficult conditions. The CPI has been at the forefront of the struggle for the rights of plantation workers, and has helped to improve their wages and working conditions.

Beedi workers are those who make beedis, a type of hand-rolled cigarette. They are often women and children, who are paid very low wages and work in dangerous conditions. The CPI has been working to improve the lives of beedi workers, and has helped to raise their wages and improve their working conditions.

Construction workers are those who build roads, bridges, and other infrastructure. They are often migrant workers, who are paid low wages and live in poor conditions. The CPI has been working to improve the lives of construction workers, and has helped to raise their wages and improve their working conditions.

The CPI has also played a significant role in the struggle for the rights of other workers, including agricultural workers, industrial workers, and women workers. It has been a major force in the Indian trade union movement, and has helped to improve the lives of millions of workers.