none of the above
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
The correct answer is: B. decentralized
Cloudlets are small, distributed data centers that are typically located close to users. This makes them ideal for applications that require low latency, such as online gaming and video streaming. Cloudlets are often owned and operated by local businesses or governments, which gives them a decentralized ownership structure unlike that of traditional clouds, which are typically owned and operated by large corporations.
Here is a brief explanation of each option:
- Centralized ownership means that a single entity owns and operates the cloud. This is the most common type of cloud ownership structure.
- Decentralized ownership means that multiple entities own and operate the cloud. This is less common than centralized ownership, but it is becoming more popular as cloud computing becomes more widespread.
- Global ownership means that the cloud is owned and operated by a company that has operations in multiple countries. This is the least common type of cloud ownership structure.
- None of the above means that the cloud is not owned by any entity. This is not a realistic option, as someone must own the cloud in order to operate it.