The climate of Haryana can also be called as

humid climate
semi-arid climate
Both (A) and (B)
intermediate climate between the semi-arid and humid climate

The correct answer is: D. intermediate climate between the semi-arid and humid climate

Haryana has a semi-arid climate with hot summers and mild winters. The average temperature in Haryana ranges from 10°C in January to 40°C in May. The state receives an average annual rainfall of 700 mm, which is mostly concentrated in the monsoon season (June-September).

The semi-arid climate of Haryana is characterized by low rainfall, high temperatures, and a long dry season. The low rainfall is due to the fact that the state lies in the rain shadow of the Himalayas. The high temperatures are due to the fact that Haryana is located in the northern plains of India, which are a hot and dry region. The long dry season is due to the fact that the state lies in the subtropical belt, which is a region that experiences a dry season from October to May.

The semi-arid climate of Haryana has a significant impact on the state’s agriculture. The low rainfall means that farmers in Haryana have to rely on irrigation to grow their crops. The high temperatures mean that farmers have to choose crops that are tolerant of heat. The long dry season means that farmers have to store their crops for a long period of time before they can be sold.

The semi-arid climate of Haryana also has a significant impact on the state’s wildlife. The low rainfall means that there is less water available for animals to drink. The high temperatures mean that animals have to find ways to cool themselves down. The long dry season means that animals have to find ways to store food for a long period of time.

The semi-arid climate of Haryana is a challenge for both humans and animals. However, the people of Haryana have adapted to the climate and have developed ways to live in harmony with it.