The Census of India uses the following method for enumeration:

Houselisting and Housing Census phase
Population Enumeration phase
Post- Enumeration Survey
All of the above

The correct answer is: d) All of the above

The Census of India is a decennial event that is conducted by the Government of India to collect data on the population of the country. The census is used to provide a comprehensive picture of the population, including its size, distribution, and characteristics.

The census is conducted in two phases: the houselisting and housing census phase and the population enumeration phase. The houselisting and housing census phase involves listing all the households in the country and collecting information on their characteristics, such as the type of house, the number of rooms, and the type of fuel used for cooking. The population enumeration phase involves enumerating all the individuals in the country and collecting information on their characteristics, such as age, sex, education, and occupation.

After the census is completed, a post-enumeration survey is conducted to assess the quality of the data collected. The post-enumeration survey involves interviewing a sample of households and individuals to verify the accuracy of the data collected in the census.

The census is a vital tool for planning and development. The data collected in the census is used to formulate policies and programs for the development of the country. The census is also used to monitor the progress of the country towards achieving its development goals.

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