The Arunachal Pradesh government has specific programs for ST development, focusing on:

Economic upliftment
All of the above

The correct answer is: d) All of the above

The Arunachal Pradesh government has specific programs for ST development, focusing on education, healthcare, and economic upliftment. These programs are designed to improve the lives of the state’s tribal people and help them to achieve their full potential.

The government’s education programs provide scholarships and other financial assistance to ST students, as well as building and maintaining schools in remote areas. The healthcare programs provide free medical care and other services to ST people, as well as building and maintaining hospitals and clinics. The economic upliftment programs provide loans and other financial assistance to ST entrepreneurs, as well as training and other support services.

These programs have had a significant impact on the lives of ST people in Arunachal Pradesh. The literacy rate among ST people has increased, and more ST children are now attending school. The health of ST people has improved, and they now have access to better healthcare services. ST entrepreneurs are now more successful, and they are contributing more to the state’s economy.

The Arunachal Pradesh government’s programs for ST development are a model for other states to follow. These programs are helping to improve the lives of ST people and help them to achieve their full potential.

Here are some additional details about each of the programs:

  • Education: The government’s education programs provide scholarships and other financial assistance to ST students, as well as building and maintaining schools in remote areas. These programs have helped to increase the literacy rate among ST people and improve the quality of education available to them.
  • Healthcare: The government’s healthcare programs provide free medical care and other services to ST people, as well as building and maintaining hospitals and clinics. These programs have helped to improve the health of ST people and reduce the number of deaths from preventable diseases.
  • Economic upliftment: The government’s economic upliftment programs provide loans and other financial assistance to ST entrepreneurs, as well as training and other support services. These programs have helped to increase the number of ST entrepreneurs and create jobs for ST people.
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