. . . . . . . . tear rolled slowly down his cheeks. A. a B. an C. the D. none of these

none of these

The correct answer is: D. none of these

The word “tear” is a common noun, which means it does not need an article (a, an, or the). In this case, the word “tear” is being used to refer to a single tear, not a general type of tear. Therefore, the article “a” or “an” would not be appropriate. The article “the” would also not be appropriate, because it is not being used to refer to a specific tear.

Here is a more detailed explanation of each option:

  • A. a

The article “a” is used before singular common nouns that refer to a general type of thing. For example, you would say “I saw a dog” to refer to any dog. In this case, the word “tear” is not being used to refer to a general type of tear, but to a specific tear. Therefore, the article “a” would not be appropriate.

  • B. an

The article “an” is used before singular common nouns that begin with a vowel sound. For example, you would say “I saw an apple” to refer to any apple. In this case, the word “tear” begins with a consonant sound, so the article “an” would not be appropriate.

  • C. the

The article “the” is used before singular common nouns that refer to a specific thing. For example, you would say “I saw the dog” to refer to a specific dog that you have seen before. In this case, the word “tear” is not being used to refer to a specific tear, but to a general tear. Therefore, the article “the” would not be appropriate.

  • D. none of these

The correct answer is “none of these,” because the word “tear” does not need an article.