Tamil Nadu is known for its reserves of:

Beach sand minerals

The correct answer is: a) Beach sand minerals

Tamil Nadu is a state in southern India. It is the second-most populous state in India, after Uttar Pradesh. The state has a long coastline, and its beaches are known for their beauty and their abundance of beach sand minerals. These minerals include titanium dioxide, zircon, rutile, and monazite. Titanium dioxide is used in a variety of products, including paints, plastics, and paper. Zircon is used in jewelry and other decorative items. Rutile is used in electronics and solar cells. Monazite is used in nuclear power plants.

Gold is a precious metal that is found in rocks and ores. It is used in jewelry, coins, and electronics. Diamonds are a type of gemstone that is made of carbon. They are very hard and are used in jewelry. Uranium is a radioactive metal that is used in nuclear power plants.

Tamil Nadu does not have large reserves of gold, diamonds, or uranium. However, it does have large reserves of beach sand minerals. These minerals are important for the state’s economy, and they are used in a variety of products.

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