Statement : Footpaths of a busy road are crowded with vendors selling cheap items. Courses of Action : I. The help of police should be sought to drive them away. II. Some space should be provided to them where they can earn their bread without blocking footpaths.

Only I follows
Only II follows
Either I or II follows
Neither I nor II follows E. Both I and II follow

The correct answer is C. Either I or II follows.

The statement says that the footpaths of a busy road are crowded with vendors selling cheap items. This can be a problem for several reasons. First, it can make it difficult for pedestrians to walk on the footpaths. Second, it can create a hazard for pedestrians, as vendors may be setting up their stalls or packing up their goods without paying attention to oncoming traffic. Third, it can make the footpaths unsightly.

Course of action I suggests that the help of the police should be sought to drive the vendors away. This would solve the problem of the footpaths being crowded with vendors, but it would also put the vendors out of business. Course of action II suggests that some space should be provided to the vendors where they can earn their bread without blocking footpaths. This would solve the problem of the footpaths being crowded with vendors and would also allow the vendors to continue to earn a living.

Therefore, either course of action I or course of action II could be taken to address the problem.

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