Statement : Every year large number of devotees dies due to severe cold on their way to the shrine located at the top of the mountain range. Courses of Action : I. The devotees should be discouraged to visit the shrine without having proper warm clothes and other amenities. II. The government should provide warm clothes and shelter to all the devotees visiting the shrine.

Only I follows
Only II follows
Either I or II follows
Neither I nor II follows E. Both I and II follow

The correct answer is: Both I and II follow.

The statement says that every year a large number of devotees die due to severe cold on their way to the shrine located at the top of the mountain range. This suggests that the devotees are not properly prepared for the cold weather conditions.

Course of action I suggests that the devotees should be discouraged to visit the shrine without having proper warm clothes and other amenities. This is a good course of action because it will help to prevent the devotees from dying due to the cold weather.

Course of action II suggests that the government should provide warm clothes and shelter to all the devotees visiting the shrine. This is also a good course of action because it will help to protect the devotees from the cold weather.

Therefore, both course of action I and II follow from the statement.

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