Statement : A large number of students are reported to be dropping out of school in villages as their parents want their children to help them in farms. Courses of Action : I. The government should immediately launch a programme to create awareness among the farmers about the value of education. II. The government should offer incentives to those farmers whose children remain in schools. III. Education should be made compulsory for all children up to the age of 14 and their employment banned.

Only I and II follow
Only II and III follow
Only I and III follow
All follow E. None of these

The correct answer is: Only I and II follow.

The statement says that a large number of students are dropping out of school in villages as their parents want their children to help them in farms. This is a serious problem, as it means that these children are not getting the education they need to succeed in life.

Course of action I is to launch a programme to create awareness among the farmers about the value of education. This is a good course of action, as it will help to educate farmers about the importance of education for their children.

Course of action II is to offer incentives to those farmers whose children remain in schools. This is also a good course of action, as it will provide an incentive for farmers to keep their children in school.

Course of action III is to make education compulsory for all children up to the age of 14 and to ban their employment. This is a more drastic course of action, and it is not clear whether it would be effective in solving the problem. It is possible that some parents would still choose to keep their children out of school, even if it was compulsory. Additionally, banning children from working could have negative consequences, such as preventing them from contributing to their families’ income.

Therefore, the only two courses of action that are likely to be effective in solving the problem are I and II.