Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Tamil Nadu offer incentives like tax exemptions and simplified regulations to attract:

Foreign investment
Domestic industries
Small and medium enterprises
All of the above

The correct answer is: d) All of the above.

Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are designated areas with economic and trade laws that are different from the rest of the country. They are designed to attract foreign investment and promote economic development. SEZs in Tamil Nadu offer a number of incentives to businesses, including tax exemptions, simplified regulations, and access to infrastructure. These incentives are designed to make it easier for businesses to operate in SEZs and to encourage them to invest in Tamil Nadu.

Foreign investment is important for economic development because it brings in new capital, technology, and expertise. Domestic industries also benefit from SEZs, as they can access the same incentives as foreign companies. This can help them to compete more effectively in the global marketplace. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are particularly important for economic development, as they account for a large share of employment and economic output. SEZs can help SMEs to grow and expand by providing them with access to markets, finance, and technology.

Overall, SEZs can play a significant role in promoting economic development. They can attract foreign investment, promote domestic industries, and help SMEs to grow.