Soil erosion in Arunachal Pradesh is exacerbated by:

Shifting cultivation practices
Mining activities
All of the above

The correct answer is: d) All of the above.

Soil erosion is the process of soil being removed from the land by the action of wind or water. It is a natural process that can be accelerated by human activities. In Arunachal Pradesh, soil erosion is exacerbated by shifting cultivation practices, overgrazing, and mining activities.

Shifting cultivation is a type of agriculture in which land is cleared and used for a few years, then abandoned and allowed to regenerate for a period of time before being used again. This practice can lead to soil erosion because the land is not given enough time to recover between uses.

Overgrazing is when too many animals are allowed to graze on a piece of land. This can lead to soil erosion because the animals compact the soil and remove the vegetation that helps to hold the soil in place.

Mining activities can also lead to soil erosion because the land is disturbed and the vegetation is removed. In addition, the chemicals used in mining can pollute the soil and make it less fertile.

Soil erosion is a serious problem in Arunachal Pradesh because it can lead to a loss of agricultural land, a decrease in the amount of water available for drinking and irrigation, and an increase in the risk of flooding. It is important to take steps to prevent soil erosion, such as planting trees and shrubs, using sustainable agricultural practices, and regulating mining activities.