runApp() will run the shiny and open the browser window.


The correct answer is True.

runApp() is a function in the shiny package that is used to run a Shiny app. It takes a list of arguments, including the name of the app, the path to the app’s directory, and the list of modules that make up the app. When runApp() is called, it will create a new browser window and load the Shiny app.

The following is an example of how to use runApp():


ui = fluidPage(
textOutput(“Hello, world!”)
server = function(input, output) {
output$text <- renderText(“Hello, world!”)

This code will create a Shiny app with a single text output. When the app is run, the text “Hello, world!” will be displayed in the browser window.

Here is a brief explanation of each option of the question:

  • A. True. This option is correct because runApp() will run the Shiny app and open the browser window.
  • B. False. This option is incorrect because runApp() will not run the Shiny app if the app is not properly configured.