Risk reduction and control involves steps like –

Education and training
Making environmental changes
Spreading out items to various locations
All of the above

The correct answer is D. All of the above.

Risk reduction and control involves steps like education and training, making environmental changes, and spreading out items to various locations.

Education and training can help people to understand the risks and how to avoid them. Making environmental changes can reduce the likelihood of accidents or injuries. Spreading out items to various locations can reduce the impact of a loss if it does occur.

Here are some more details about each of these steps:

  • Education and training: This can involve providing information about the risks, how to avoid them, and what to do in an emergency. It can also involve training people in how to use equipment safely and how to respond to hazards.
  • Making environmental changes: This can involve making changes to the physical environment to reduce the risk of accidents or injuries. For example, it could involve installing safety guards on machinery, providing better lighting, or removing tripping hazards.
  • Spreading out items to various locations: This can reduce the impact of a loss if it does occur. For example, if a company has its data stored in one location and that location is destroyed by a fire, the company will lose all of its data. However, if the company has its data stored in multiple locations, it will only lose the data that is stored in the location that is destroyed.

Risk reduction and control is an important part of any business or organization. By taking steps to reduce and control risks, businesses can protect their people, property, and assets.

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