Reference of ________ is written by the side of the Rule if the Rule is corrected. A. Number Slip B. Item Number C. No. and Item No. Correction Slip D. None of these

Number Slip
Item Number
No. and Item No. Correction Slip
None of these

The correct answer is: C. No. and Item No. Correction Slip

A No. and Item No. Correction Slip is a document that is used to record changes to a rule. The slip includes the rule number, the item number, the date of the change, and the description of the change. The slip is then attached to the rule so that the change is easily visible.

A Number Slip is a document that is used to track the number of items that have been produced. The slip includes the item number, the quantity produced, and the date of production. The slip is then attached to the item so that the production information is easily visible.

An Item Number is a unique identifier that is assigned to an item. The number is used to track the item throughout its life cycle. The number is also used to identify the item in inventory and on purchase orders.

None of these is the correct answer because it does not refer to a document that is used to record changes to a rule.

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