Red sea is an example of a ________ structure.


The correct answer is: C. Faulted

A fault is a break in the Earth’s crust along which there has been movement. The movement can be vertical, horizontal, or a combination of both. Faults can be caused by tectonic activity, volcanic activity, or erosion.

The Red Sea is a rift valley, which is a type of fault that forms when two tectonic plates move apart. The Red Sea is located on the African Plate and the Arabian Plate, which are moving apart at a rate of about 1 cm per year. This movement has caused the Earth’s crust to stretch and thin, forming a valley that is filled with water.

The other options are incorrect because:

  • A folded structure is formed when the Earth’s crust is compressed, causing the rocks to fold.
  • A lava structure is formed when lava flows from a volcano and cools to form rock.
  • A residual structure is formed when the Earth’s crust is eroded away, leaving behind a remnant of the original rock.