Publishing an application’s data as a REST service requires.

all of the mentioned
none of the mentioned

The correct answer is C. all of the mentioned.

A REST service is a web service that conforms to the constraints of REST architectural style. RESTful services use HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to access and manipulate resources.

To publish an application’s data as a REST service, you need to use the @RequestMapping annotation to map HTTP requests to specific methods in your controller class. You also need to use the @PathVariable annotation to map URL parameters to variables in your controller methods.

Here is an example of how to use the @RequestMapping and @PathVariable annotations to publish an application’s data as a REST service:

public class MyController {

public List<User> getAllUsers() {
    // Get all users from the database
    return userService.getAllUsers();

public User getUserById(@PathVariable("id") Long id) {
    // Get the user with the specified ID from the database
    return userService.getUserById(id);


In this example, the @RequestMapping annotation maps the HTTP GET request to the getAllUsers() method in the MyController class. The @PathVariable annotation maps the URL parameter id to the id variable in the getUserById() method.

When a user makes a GET request to the /users URL, the getAllUsers() method will be called. When a user makes a GET request to the /users/123 URL, the getUserById() method will be called with the id parameter set to 123.

The @RequestMapping and @PathVariable annotations are just two of the annotations that you can use to publish an application’s data as a REST service. Other annotations that you may need to use include @Controller, @RequestBody, and @ResponseBody.