Program execution time would be minimum if the programs are written in

Machine Language
Assembly language
High level language
All of the above E. None of the above

The correct answer is E. None of the above.

Machine language is the lowest level programming language and is the only language that a computer can understand directly. It is a set of instructions that are written in binary code, which is a series of 1s and 0s. Machine language programs are very difficult to write and debug, and they are not portable to different types of computers.

Assembly language is a higher level programming language than machine language, but it is still very close to the machine. Assembly language programs are written in mnemonics, which are short words that represent the machine code instructions. Assembly language programs are easier to write and debug than machine language programs, but they are still not portable to different types of computers.

High level languages are the highest level programming languages. They are designed to be easy to read and write, and they are portable to different types of computers. High level languages are translated into machine code by a compiler or interpreter.

The execution time of a program depends on a number of factors, including the language in which it is written, the compiler or interpreter used, the hardware platform, and the complexity of the program. In general, programs written in high level languages will have a longer execution time than programs written in machine language or assembly language. This is because high level languages are more abstract than machine language or assembly language, and they require more translation into machine code. However, high level languages are much easier to write and debug than machine language or assembly language, and they are more portable to different types of computers.