Power factor of the system is kept high

To reduce line losses
To maximize the utilization of the capacities of generators, lines and transformers
To reduce voltage regulation of the line
Due to all above reasons

The correct answer is: D. Due to all above reasons.

Power factor is a measure of how efficiently electrical energy is being used. A power factor of 1 indicates that all of the electrical energy is being used, while a power factor of less than 1 indicates that some of the electrical energy is being wasted.

There are three main reasons why power factor is important:

  • To reduce line losses: When current flows through a conductor, it creates a magnetic field. This magnetic field can cause losses in the conductor, which can lead to increased heating and decreased efficiency. The higher the power factor, the lower the current, and the lower the losses.
  • To maximize the utilization of the capacities of generators, lines and transformers: Generators, lines and transformers are all designed to handle a certain amount of current. If the power factor is low, then the current will be higher than it needs to be, and the equipment will be underutilized. This can lead to increased costs and decreased reliability.
  • To reduce voltage regulation of the line: Voltage regulation is the difference between the voltage at the sending end of a line and the voltage at the receiving end. The higher the power factor, the lower the voltage regulation, and the more efficient the line will be.

Therefore, power factor is kept high to reduce line losses, maximize the utilization of the capacities of generators, lines and transformers, and reduce voltage regulation of the line.

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