Portland cement manufactured from pure white chalk and clay but free from iron-oxide, is known as A. Quick setting cement B. Rapid hardening cement C. White cement D. Low heat Portland cement

Quick setting cement
Rapid hardening cement
White cement
Low heat Portland cement

The correct answer is C. White cement.

White cement is a type of Portland cement that is manufactured from pure white chalk and clay but free from iron-oxide. It is used in a variety of applications, including architectural concrete, white plaster, and white grout.

Quick setting cement is a type of Portland cement that sets and hardens more quickly than ordinary Portland cement. It is used in applications where early strength is required, such as in precast concrete.

Rapid hardening cement is a type of Portland cement that sets and hardens more quickly than ordinary Portland cement, but not as quickly as quick setting cement. It is used in applications where early strength is required, but not as quickly as in precast concrete.

Low heat Portland cement is a type of Portland cement that produces less heat during hydration than ordinary Portland cement. It is used in applications where heat generation is a concern, such as in mass concrete structures.

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